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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reagan | Newnan, GA Newborn Photographer

There is something about newborn photography that absolutely intrigues me. Although it's tough to choose a favorite type of photography, I'm tempted to say that I enjoy looking at newborn photos the most. There are a few reasons that set newborn photography apart from the rest and make it so special to me:

1. Um, it's a newborn BABY. Hello... I love (x100) babies, especially ones fresh out of the oven.
2. The props. Who else can you put in a bowl, basket, or even on a dresser? Not to mention the hats, blankets, and headbands (just to name a few).
3. Shopping and hunting. No,  not for the baby- for the props! I love surfing the web for things to add to my collection. Stores like TJMaxx and Marshalls have great household items that can be used for props. Although I love those stores, antique markets are the best place to find some really amazing items. My mind goes wild as soon as I walk through the door.
4. The challenge. And OH boy is it challenging. Newborns are the most difficult to photograph, from my experience. So much goes into that ONE great shot. I think because I love looking at newborn photography so much I just wouldn't be content without taking it on myself. I know I have a long way to go but so far I'm really enjoying researching and practicing all the tricks of the trade. It's such an exciting journey for me.

The most recent newborn I photographed was little Miss Reagan. Reagan was 7 days old when I photographed her. This age is perfect for newborn shots. When taking photos of newborns I recommend them being anywhere from 6 to 10 days old. At such a young age the babies are very sleepy, flexible and small- major aspects in capturing good newborn photographs.

Last weekend I traveled to Reagan's house and set up shop. Once her belly was full and she fell asleep it was showtime.

And now I introduce my smallest client yet: REAGAN!

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