
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DIY :: Succulent Terrarium

     Ok, I have to confess: I've been wanting to do a DIY post for a very long time. Why the wait, you may wonder. Well, I thought maybe by posting DIY projects my blog would be a little, well, all over the place. And then I realized, it's already all over the place. Just like me. Thank you, blog, for representing me in such an accurate light: scattered ideas, covered in pictures and smothered with love (scattered, covered, smothered- anyone want some Waffle House?).  So, I've decided that since it's my blog, it can be whatever I want it to be. It's my journey and my story, right? Who says I can't add DIY posts to my photography blog every now and then? My blog is a big ol' melting pot of all things ME
     Another confession: Pinterest has gotten the best of me. I am an addict tried-and-true. Absolutely no denying it. If you haven't checked this site out, you HAVE to... especially if you're interested in home design, fashion, DIY projects or photography (just naming a few). It's a fun place to find inspiration- which is exactly why I mentioned it. (Fair warning- plan an becoming an addict as well. Don't say I didn't warn you!) Pinterest inspired me to make my own Succulent and Moss Terrarium. Something about succulents make me happy. They are so cute and so full of personality. I often think of my mom when I see them. She has always had them in her house or on the porch ever since I can remember. Anything that reminds me of her is worth having around.
     Making a succulent terrarium took me 30 minutes, at the most. Anyone can do this- it's so easy, and so FUN! It would even be a good activity to do with the little ones.


  • Assortment of Succulents - these can be found at any plant or home improvement store. I found these at Home Depot. They were only $1.50 each- what a steal :) 

  • Terrarium or Glass Jar - I found both of these at Michael's. The large one with a lid was $9.99 and the small one was $3.50.

  • Stones or Pebbles - I've had these lying around but you can get them at Home Depot or Lowe's. Feel free to get creative with color! 

  • Moss and Soil - I actually know of a place on the edge of our woods that's very mossy so I went the free route here. Can't you just invision me digging up moss, in the dark, with a flashlight, and my pajamas on. Hold back the laughter. If you're not into moss spotlighting,  Michael's has foe moss that will do the trick. 


1. Place the stones in the bottom of the jar, about 1-2 inches high. This allows the water to drain through the soil rather than sit at the bottom.

2. Very carefully place the succulents in the center of the jar on top of the stones. This was probably the most challenging step. The succulents are very fragile. While holding them in place I accidentally knocked off some of the leaves :( Organize them in a way that is flattering- I tried to place them so that the ones that were the same color were separated by ones of different color. Also, I like altering the heights so that some of the shorter ones were beside the taller ones. Spice it up a little ;) After placing them where I wanted, I spooned soil around the succulents until they held themselves up. I did pack the soil in, but not too tight. Also, make sure you use soil that drains well and isn't as moist as others. Succulents like dry, arid soil. 

3. Lastly, add the moss and Wah-Lah! You're done. Isn't it lovely? Oh, and don't forget to water it, just a little. Now, if only I can keep these guys alive. Wish me luck :) 

Oh, and I made this one for my kitchen window sill. 

Succulent Care Tips:

  • Succulents would rather you ignore them than lavish them with attention. This way they'll actually grow better.
  • When the soil is completely dried out, spritz your succulent with water from a spray bottle to keep it from getting too parched.
  • Full sun is best!
  • If your succulent develops any brown leaves, simply pull them off and let the plant keep growing.
  • Give your succulent a breath of fresh air once in a while by placing it on a porch or a balcony.
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