
Monday, April 29, 2013

Rewind. Fast Forward.

Rewind 7 years.

There I sat staring at my computer screen: "Change of Major: Complete Section III." At six months old, I had finally gotten Ariston on a consistent napping schedule. As he slept in our apartment in my in-law's basement, I continued to complete my college transfer application online. Because of my uncertainty, I skipped the part that asked me to declare a major. 

In our tiny and cluttered makeshift computer room in Brandon's parents' basement (which was also used as a pantry), I smiled at the thought of how different things were and how quickly my life had changed. In less than two years I had become a wife and a mother. At 20 years old, both roles came along a lot sooner than I had planned, but the joy and excitement from all of it made me happy. My new life had naturally prompted me to rethink my future. Rethink my career path. I knew it would be hard but if I could handle the ups and downs of sporting a baby bump during my first year in college, I could handle anything.

Getting my Bachelor's degree, mother or not, was not an option for me. I had made up my mind that I was going to get a degree, in something. The question was what. After taking a semester off to have Ariston it was time to go back to school. With Brandon working and going to school full-time, I wanted to do my part for our family. Not only did I want to make a better life for the three of us, I also wanted something better for myself. With the support of our families and friends I was confident that we could do it. 

So there I sat  with "Change of Major: Complete Section III" staring me in the face. Feeling confident that I did not want to work in a hospital--contrary to my nursing major--I began searching my soul. I started listing things that I love: kids, helping people, being creative, summer... I then envisioned the lifestyle I wanted for our family: same schedule as my kids, weekends off, good benefits... The decision almost slapped me in the face! Everything I loved encompassed the role of a teacher. I thought: "That's it! I want to be a teacher!" It was that easy! Three and a half years later I graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education with a dual certification in Special Education.

Fast forward seven years.

Here I sit staring at my computer. This time, instead of "Change of Major: Complete Section III" it is "Check the box to electronically sign your teaching contract for the 2013-2014 school year." With a three month old asleep one room over and my seven year old playing with Legos in the floor, I find myself looking to change my career path yet again. After several months of praying about it, talking it over (again, and again), crunching numbers and budgeting, I can finally say with confidence:


Deciding to go full time with my photography business didn't quite slap me in the face like deciding to become a teacher did. Rather, photography has been an ongoing development that has progressed into a career over the last 3 years. I didn't find photography, it found me. Finally, I am following my heart and taking a leap of faith to pursue my passion. I'm forfeiting a set salary, great benefits, and weekends and summers off to invest in my own business that lacks all three. WHY? The answer is simple: I'm going to do what I love.

Running my own business will not be easy, but I know with all of my heart that it will be worth it. I may be losing the security of a salary, but I am gaining the freedom to grow as a professional and as a person. I may be losing weekends and summers off, but I am gaining the freedom to set my own schedule and work from home. I foresee much more time at home with my family during the week in exchange for a few hours of work on the weekends.

I'm doing everything I was raised to do: believing in myself, taking a risk, not settling, following my heart, never looking back, and having faith in God's timing.

Thank YOU, all of you! If it weren't for the love and support from my faithful family, friends and clients I would not be able to chase this dream. I am so thankful to have been blessed with people who support me and this endeavor. I love you all so very much! :)



samantha fitz said...

Yay!!! I'm so proud you are apart of our family!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a bold Career move! I am right behind you on giving up security, a set schedule, and a fixed income. But sometimes you just have to follow your dreams,am I right? I wish you and your wonderful family all the best! I'll see you guys and Ariston at practice wednesday!

Marylu said...

You are a great photographer! Exciting days ahead following your passion. Wishing you the best!

Mel said...

Congratulations, Shauna!! That's so exciting and definitely a gift to everyone getting married/engaged or having a baby in the future :) You are so talented!